NexStar Program


Empowering Students

Transforming Businesses


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NexStar 2024 applications now open

What is NexStar?


Co-designed by the City of Melbourne and ACASE in 2018, NexStar is an inspirational program connecting entrepreneurial international students and businesses to activate growth. It is an immersive educational experience tailored to the needs of outstanding international students  and businesses seeking to capture Asia Pacific market growth opportunities.

The primary goal of NexStar is to create meaningful connections between students and global enterprises through the delivery of intensive training programs, collaborative workshops, business networking opportunities, and pitch competitions.

Each year the NexStar Program focuses on a specific Asia Pacific region, helping companies to develop their understanding of the market dynamics and investment opportunities available. From 2024, NexStar will be focusing on the Australian market, assisting businesses in building Australian market entry strategies.

Since the first launch in 2018, over 1, 300 students from 35 countries and 55 innovative start-ups and scale-ups have participated in and benefited from the program.

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How does NexStar work?

In each NexStar program, students with diverse backgrounds will come together, form groups, and develop a go-to-market plan for their partnered businesses. During the intensive Australian market sprint, students will learn from industry experts, conduct research guided by mentors, and ultimately pitch their market entry strategy to businesses and judges.

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Expert Workshops

Learn from the industry experts about market entry, culture difference, business environment and be resilient. 

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Apply the knowledge

Students will apply what they have learnt to create market entry strategy for the company. They will be supported by the mentors. 

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Pitch your strategy

At the end of NexStar program, student teams will pitch to company representatives and judges.

               More information available for past NexStar programs

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NexStar 2019

   NexStar 2020 May

 NexStar 2020 Oct

 NexStar 2021 May

NexStar 2021 Oct

NexStar  2022 April

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